The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Auckland Insight Meditation
2020-08-25 28 meditation: mindfulness of emotions 25:43
Julie Downard
Auckland Insight Meditation Finding the heart of freedom

2020-08-25 27 instructions: mindfulness of emotions 44:30
Julie Downard
Some ways of relating skilfully to emotions, including the RAIN acronym
Auckland Insight Meditation Finding the heart of freedom

2020-08-24 26 meditation: metta as an inquiry practice 13:47
Jill Shepherd
Exploring metta as an inquiry practice, noticing the effects on the body, the heart and the mind as kindness is fully received
Auckland Insight Meditation Finding the heart of freedom

2020-08-24 25 talk: the two wings of Wisdom and Compassion 40:00
Jill Shepherd
How insight and the brahmavihara practices of kindness, compassion, appreciative joy and equanimity mutually support and reinforce each other; includes an exploration of metta as an inquiry practice
Auckland Insight Meditation Finding the heart of freedom

2020-08-24 22 instructions: mindfulness of hearing 8:21
Julie Downard
Auckland Insight Meditation Finding the heart of freedom

2020-08-24 21 meditation: feeling-tone 23:28
Julie Downard
Auckland Insight Meditation Finding the heart of freedom

2020-08-24 20 instructions: Second Foundation of Mindfulness - feeling-tone 46:02
Julie Downard
Exploring feeling-tone or vedana and its role in enhancing dukkha when there's no mindfulness
Auckland Insight Meditation Finding the heart of freedom

2020-08-23 19 talk: Four Noble Truths 52:48
Julie Downard
An overview of the Four Noble Truths and the four tasks
Auckland Insight Meditation Finding the heart of freedom

2020-08-23 17 talk: mindfulness of the body and impermanence 28:24
Jill Shepherd
Returning to the First Noble Truth and the five clinging-aggregates, exploring clinging to the body as a source of dukkha and opening to impermanence as an antidote
Auckland Insight Meditation Finding the heart of freedom

2020-08-23 16 instructions: seeing and walking 12:45
Julie Downard
Bringing mindfulness into daily life, opening to the visual field, noticing seeing and looking, and instructions for mindful walking
Auckland Insight Meditation Finding the heart of freedom

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