The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Auckland Insight Meditation
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2020-10-19 03 short talk: mindfulness of the body 11:29
Jill Shepherd
A short introduction to the benefits of working with the body as a foundation of mindfulness
Auckland Insight Meditation Introduction to Insight Meditation

2020-10-18 09 talk: exploring vedana or feeling-tone and compassion in relation to illness 31:08
Jill Shepherd
How mindfulness of feeling-tones helps protect us from reactivity in relation to physical illness, and instead, can strengthen skilful responses of wisdom and compassion
Auckland Insight Meditation Cultivating resilience in challenging times: Learning from the "heavenly messengers"

2020-10-18 08 meditation: vedana or feeling-tones 17:38
Jill Shepherd
A short guided meditation exploring physical sensations in the body and the feeling-tones associated with them
Auckland Insight Meditation Cultivating resilience in challenging times: Learning from the "heavenly messengers"

2020-10-12 02 meditation: mindfulness of breathing 20:26
Jill Shepherd
A short guided meditation for beginners, starting with mindfulness of the body sitting and breathing
Auckland Insight Meditation Introduction to Insight Meditation

2020-10-12 01 talk: introduction to mindfulness meditation for beginners 14:37
Jill Shepherd
A short talk introducing insight meditation for beginners
Auckland Insight Meditation Introduction to Insight Meditation

2020-10-11 06 talk: Heavenly Messengers 2 - Ageing 23:05
Jill Shepherd
A short introduction to the heavenly messenger of ageing, as an invitation to explore our attitudes to our own ageing
Auckland Insight Meditation Cultivating resilience in challenging times: Learning from the "heavenly messengers"

2020-10-11 Monday moring meditation: body, heart and mind coming together 43:08
Jill Shepherd
Steadying and stilling the body as a support for steadying and stilling the heart-mind
Auckland Insight Meditation

2020-10-08 06 talk: an overview of the five clinging-aggregates 36:08
Jill Shepherd
Continuing the exploration of insight into the three universal characteristics, focusing on anatta or not-self and how the aggregates are aspects of experience that we commonly identify with
Auckland Insight Meditation Deepening Insight - a series of talks for Auckland Insight

2020-10-08 05 meditation: opening to the spaciousness of the body 26:40
Jill Shepherd
Settling into the body, quieting the mind, and experiencing the body as sensations in space
Auckland Insight Meditation Deepening Insight - a series of talks for Auckland Insight

2020-09-10 meditation: exploring dukkha 24:44
Jill Shepherd
Bringing awareness to any dukkha present in the moment, noticing any reactions of clinging or resistance, and using wisdom, compassion and equanimity to help that clinging release
Auckland Insight Meditation

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