An overview of how the four brahmavihara - kindness, compassion, appreciative joy and equanimity - work together to support resilience; focuses on metta and a way of practice that doesn't use phrases
Beginning by tuning in to well-being in the body, opening to appreciation of what's going well in our own lives, then mudita for what's going well for others
Looking at the four-part definition of Right Effort, and how mudita practice, the cultivation of appreciative joy, can support the development of skilful mental states
Some common unhelpful attitudes to pleasant experiences in meditation and daily life practice, and suggestions for how to develop a more skilful relationship to them
Finding balanced effort as a process of attunement, with an overview of the practice of mindfulness of hearing as a way to train in receptive listening
Short beginning meditation to open the one-day on-line workshop, establishing metta as a resource before settling into mindfulness of the body and breathing