The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Auckland Insight Meditation
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2021-04-08 05 talk: Wise Intention p2 - metta, kindness 22:24
Jill Shepherd
Exploring the second aspect of Wise Intention, metta or kindness, as a support for understanding anatta, not-self
Auckland Insight Meditation Living a life of mutual benefit: Exploring the Noble Eightfold Path

2021-04-08 04 meditation: simple mindfulness of the body and breathing, with an orientation to metta 30:08
Jill Shepherd
Beginning with chanting the Karaniyametta Sutta in English as an invitation to orient towards kindness while settling into mindfulness of the body and mindfulness of breathing
Auckland Insight Meditation Living a life of mutual benefit: Exploring the Noble Eightfold Path

2021-03-25 03 talk: Wise Intention and the bliss of renunciation 29:48
Jill Shepherd
Auckland Insight Meditation Living a life of mutual benefit: Exploring the Noble Eightfold Path

2021-03-04 02 Talk: Wise View and Freedom 20:49
Jill Shepherd
A short introduction to Wise View, and an exploration of how different views of Nibbana might affect our practice
Auckland Insight Meditation Living a life of mutual benefit: Exploring the Noble Eightfold Path

2021-02-18 01 talk: Living a life of mutual benefit - introduction to the Noble Eightfold Path 31:00
Jill Shepherd
Beginning talk of a series on the Noble Eightfold Path
Auckland Insight Meditation Living a life of mutual benefit: Exploring the Noble Eightfold Path

2020-12-17 meditation: breathing, then contemplating the benefits of sangha 27:02
Jill Shepherd
A guided meditation for the end of year, beginning with settling into the body breathing, then after some silence, reflecting on the year as it ends, attuning to and acknowledging any benefits that have come from practising together in community
Auckland Insight Meditation

2020-12-03 talk: the clinging-aggregate of consciousness 22:39
Jill Shepherd
Finishing the series of talks on the five clinging-aggregates with a short overview of consciousness as a clinging-aggregate
Auckland Insight Meditation Deepening Insight - a series of talks for Auckland Insight

2020-12-03 meditation: body then mind and mental activity 29:10
Jill Shepherd
Beginning by settling attention in the body, then bringing awareness to the mind, noticing mental activity centred around a sense of "I"
Auckland Insight Meditation Deepening Insight - a series of talks for Auckland Insight

2020-11-19 talk: the clinging-aggregates of perceptions and mental formations part 2 26:55
Jill Shepherd
Looking at the role of perceptions and mental formations in creating self-referencing thoughts, and some ways to help these constructs release
Auckland Insight Meditation Deepening Insight - a series of talks for Auckland Insight

2020-11-19 meditation: mindfulness of mind 29:32
Jill Shepherd
Opening to mental activity, particularly noticing if/when the mind gets caught in I AM thoughts
Auckland Insight Meditation Deepening Insight - a series of talks for Auckland Insight

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