The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Auckland Insight Meditation
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2022-02-18 28 instructions: awareness of awareness 12:19
Gil Fronsdal
Bringing awareness to awareness itself, and notice if we're adding anything extra to it
Auckland Insight Meditation Cultivation and Insight

2022-02-17 27 meditation: compassion 28:51
Jill Shepherd
Meeting dukkha with mindfulness and compassion
Auckland Insight Meditation Cultivation and Insight

2022-02-17 26 talk: Suffering 43:46
Gil Fronsdal
Exploring our relationship to suffering and its causes
Auckland Insight Meditation Cultivation and Insight

2022-02-17 25 instructions and meditation: mindfulness of thinking 60:20
Gil Fronsdal
Understanding how we're relating to our thinking, and learning how to not be bothered by our thoughts
Auckland Insight Meditation Cultivation and Insight

2022-02-16 24 meditation: mindfulness of hearing 36:32
Jill Shepherd
Beginning by steadying awareness on the breath, then physical sensations, then opening to sounds
Auckland Insight Meditation Cultivation and Insight

2022-02-16 23 instructions: different modes of mindfulness 8:39
Jill Shepherd
Exploring the quality of mindfulness itself, and the benefits of using different modes of mindfulness to keep the mind in balance
Auckland Insight Meditation Cultivation and Insight

2022-02-16 22 talk: Inconstancy 48:30
Gil Fronsdal
Exploring insight into anicca or inconstancy
Auckland Insight Meditation Cultivation and Insight

2022-02-16 21 instructions p2: developing respect for emotions 8:08
Gil Fronsdal
Having respect for our emotions helps us be upright in the middle of it all, and that still, quiet attention gathers what's good in us
Auckland Insight Meditation Cultivation and Insight

2022-02-16 20 meditation: mindfulness of emotions 32:04
Gil Fronsdal
Practising recognising, allowing, feeling and teasing apart emotions (RAFT)
Auckland Insight Meditation Cultivation and Insight

2022-02-16 19 instructions: mindfulness of emotions 16:33
Gil Fronsdal
Bringing awareness to emotions and using the acronym RAFT to stay present with the experiences in the body and the mind
Auckland Insight Meditation Cultivation and Insight

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