How the pāramī of nekhamma or renunciation/relinquishing invites us to explore our relationship to wanting, and how the societal-wide craving for comfort helps fuel the climate crisis
Exploring generosity as a spiritual practice by bringing more refined awareness to how we give, and the benefits that come from the reciprocal flow of giving and receiving
An introduction to the ten pāramī, skilful qualities of heart and mind that help us to navigate life's challenges, and ways to cultivate these in daily life
Exploring the relationship between dukkha (unsatisfactoriness, stress, distress, suffering) as the First Noble Truth, and mettā (kindness, good will, benevolence) as the first of the four brahmavihāra
Beginning with mindfulness of the body and breathing, then making space for whatever experiences arise, orienting to acceptance and letting go of trying to control the process in any way
An exploration of what it means to take refuge generally, and then specifically in relation to dharma, with a brief introduction to the Four Noble Truths and the Four Brahamavihāra of kindness, compassion, appreciative joy and equanimity
Developing gratitude as a resource that strengthens our capaity to turn towards challenges, based on the Active Hope training by Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone