The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Jill Shepherd's Dharma Talks at Auckland Insight Meditation
Jill Shepherd
Wisdom and compassion are two themes that inform my current exploration of the dharma, and I aspire to integrate these as fully as I can in both formal practice and daily life.
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2020-03-26 Guided meditation: orienting to compassion 26:18
A guided meditation orienting to compassion, in response to coronavirus
Auckland Insight Meditation
2020-01-30 talk: taking refuges and precepts 31:56
Some reflections on taking the three refuges and five ethical precepts, as a way of aligning with our deeper intentions for the New Year
Auckland Insight Meditation
2019-09-05 Cultivating a generous heart as the foundation of the path 28:04
Exploring the spirit of generosity, caga, as the foundation from which the whole path of practice develops
Auckland Insight Meditation
2018-03-08 The Two Wings to Awakening: Wisdom and Compassion 36:02
An overview of insight and brahmavihara practices, and how they work together to support each other
Auckland Insight Meditation
2017-10-12 Is Auckland Insight a "secular" group? part 2 38:22
Exploring further contemporary definitions of "secular Buddhism" and whether they apply to Auckland Insight
Auckland Insight Meditation
2017-08-10 Is Auckland Insight a "secular" group? part 1 35:06
Exploring some contemporary definitions of "secular Buddhism" and whether they apply to Auckland Insight
Auckland Insight Meditation
2017-03-09 Guided meditation: metta for benefactor 20:19
Short twenty-minute guided meditation practising metta-kindness for a benefactor
Auckland Insight Meditation
2017-03-09 A short introdruction to metta - kindness practice 10:47
Auckland Insight Meditation
2017-03-09 An overview of the four brahmavihara practices: kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity 36:58
An introduction to the brahmavihara meditation practices and their relationship to insight practice
Auckland Insight Meditation

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