The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Jill Shepherd's Dharma Talks at Auckland Insight Meditation
Jill Shepherd
Wisdom and compassion are two themes that inform my current exploration of the dharma, and I aspire to integrate these as fully as I can in both formal practice and daily life.
2020-10-11 Monday moring meditation: body, heart and mind coming together 43:08
Steadying and stilling the body as a support for steadying and stilling the heart-mind
Auckland Insight Meditation
2020-10-08 06 talk: an overview of the five clinging-aggregates 36:08
Continuing the exploration of insight into the three universal characteristics, focusing on anatta or not-self and how the aggregates are aspects of experience that we commonly identify with
Auckland Insight Meditation Deepening Insight - a series of talks for Auckland Insight
2020-10-08 05 meditation: opening to the spaciousness of the body 26:40
Settling into the body, quieting the mind, and experiencing the body as sensations in space
Auckland Insight Meditation Deepening Insight - a series of talks for Auckland Insight
2020-09-10 meditation: exploring dukkha 24:44
Bringing awareness to any dukkha present in the moment, noticing any reactions of clinging or resistance, and using wisdom, compassion and equanimity to help that clinging release
Auckland Insight Meditation
2020-09-10 04 meditation: dukkha and release 24:44
Bringing awareness to dukkha or unsatisfactoriness in the moment, and inviting the release of any resistance to it
Auckland Insight Meditation Deepening Insight - a series of talks for Auckland Insight
2020-09-10 talk: impermanence and dukkha 30:33
Continuing to explore the three universal characteristics, looking at the relationship between impermanence and unsatisfactoriness, dukkha, and how wisdom and compassion can help release clinging / resistance to dukkha
Auckland Insight Meditation
2020-09-10 03 talk: impermanence and dukkha 30:33
Continuing to explore the three universal characteristics, with a focus on the relationship between impermanence and dukkha or unsatisfactoriness
Auckland Insight Meditation Deepening Insight - a series of talks for Auckland Insight
2020-09-03 02 talk: insight into impermanence 37:46
An overview of the three universal characteristics of experience, focussing on anicca or impermanence, change, instability
Auckland Insight Meditation Deepening Insight - a series of talks for Auckland Insight
2020-09-03 01 meditation: impermanence 30:01
Exploring impermanence through the breath and physical sensations
Auckland Insight Meditation Deepening Insight - a series of talks for Auckland Insight
2020-08-26 37 talk: common afflictive thought-patterns and some ways to help them release 44:33
Learning how to recognise common afflictive thought patterns such as "lack" mind and comparing mind, and using wisdom and compassion to help them release
Auckland Insight Meditation Finding the heart of freedom

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