The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Auckland Insight Meditation

Finding the heart of freedom

This nine-day online retreat provides an opportunity to explore the Four Noble Truths that form the heart of the Buddha’s teaching. These teachings invite us to examine our relationship to dukkha: stress, distress, unsatisfactoriness, suffering, on deeper and deeper levels.
Most of us though, have an instinctive resistance to suffering, so we need to practice working skilfully with the different obstacles that often show up along the path to freedom. As we learn how to release these obstacles, we’re able to live with greater ease, happiness, and peace, and to connect with the wisdom and compassion that are our true nature.

2020-08-21 (9 days) Auckland Insight Meditation

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2020-08-21 04 talk: the context of our practice 21:27
Julie Downard
Acknowledging the context we find ourselves in: The lineage that has gone before, our local and global circumstance What we're doing here The preciousness of this opportunity and reflection on our good fortune
2020-08-21 06 meditation: closing gratitude 7:03
Julie Downard
Short meditation on gratitude to close the evening
2020-08-22 07 talk: mindfulness 25:21
Julie Downard
An introduction to mindfulness in the context of the Satipatthana Sutta, with a focus on mindfulness of the body
2020-08-22 08 meditation: mindfulness of breathing 33:37
Julie Downard
Guided meditation exploring mindfulness of the body and breathing, orienting to ease and spaciousness
2020-08-22 09 short instructions for practice during the day 5:48
Julie Downard
Suggestions for working with sleepiness, and continuing to practice mindfulness of the body during the day
2020-08-22 10 talk: clinging and release 18:47
Jill Shepherd
An introduction to the Four Noble Truths, framed in terms of clinging and release
2020-08-23 14 instructions: mindfulness of body 28:58
Julie Downard
How mindfulness of the body supports the steadiness and unification of mind known as samadhi, which in turn supports vipassana, clear seeing. This process is also about opening and softening the heart.
2020-08-23 15 meditation: mindfulness of body and breathing 37:36
Julie Downard
2020-08-23 16 instructions: seeing and walking 12:45
Julie Downard
Bringing mindfulness into daily life, opening to the visual field, noticing seeing and looking, and instructions for mindful walking
2020-08-23 17 talk: mindfulness of the body and impermanence 28:24
Jill Shepherd
Returning to the First Noble Truth and the five clinging-aggregates, exploring clinging to the body as a source of dukkha and opening to impermanence as an antidote
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